

タワー君といっしょに写真をとってもらったよ。 でも、コンピュータの中の写真屋さんってとってもふしぎ。 色がかわったり、むこうがすけてみえたり、 なんだか万華鏡のなかの世界にきたみたい。

The photoshop in a computer is like a kaleidoscope!
Tower-kun & I are in a photoshop in a computer and took a picture of us. In the shop, strange things are happening all the time, for ex, changing colors of everything, seeing through walls. It's like I am in a kaleidoscope-world. Wow, many Kanchan are coming. Tower-kun in the picture is also surprised to see them. Everybody come this shop.It's fun!!

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